Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discussion #1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion #1 - Essay Example It began its operations in 1972. This survey involves asking and interviewing people about their experiences with crime. This method is best for knowing and recording unreported crimes. The major difference between this and uniform crime report (UCR) method is that the former method proved to be successful in providing researchers and analysts with its results. Meaning those cities and other areas which showed lower crime rates under UCR showed high percentage of crimes when measured by victimization survey. Victimization survey is unable to measure commercial crimes which were measured under UCR. This method involves making up of surveys and questionnaires. It is used to measure the attitudes, values and personal characteristics which help to measure the extent of various crimes (â€Å"Criminal justice statistics†, 2012) this data collection technique is used mostly by academic researchers and private foundations. According to Mark Twain (2012) monitoring future project and National youth survey are the example of self report survey .Since this method involves making up of own surveys therefore problem of its reliability and validity arises most of the time. Moreover many people are of the view that this type of survey becomes the victim of researcher bias and measurement errors. There are advantages and disadvantages which are associated with each data collection method. Hence it is difficult to conclude which method is the best among all. But weighing the pros and cons of each method it is found that National Crime Victimization Survey method is the best among all of three. There are several reasons on the basis of which this method is chosen firstly because this method provides information which has not been even reported to authorities or in uniform crime report. Secondly it discloses more data on individual

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Management Info Systems Class Discussion wk7 Essay

Management Info Systems Class Discussion wk7 - Essay Example The service-oriented application implements the endpoints of a fine-grained web service. It is easier to talk about the various types of web applications based on their use. For example, social networking websites entails; Face book, Xanga. Internet search engines may involve Google, hot mail, and yahoo. Web services facilitate the access to internet resources. Primary services of the internet include e-mail, tenets, and mailing lists (Bidgoli, 2002). Web 2.0 is the constant development of internet expertise and interface. It is a model that center of attention is towards transforming the web into a catalog through social networks and other online resources. Internet2 provides grounds for testing networking setting where learning institutions such as universities and government laboratories team up and build up highly developed Internet technologies such as digital libraries, and essential laboratories (Aharony, 2009). The Internet2 community at present is comprised of more than four million individuals and with more than three hundred member organizations. While the technology is growing, so is the need for better and advanced quicker Internet connections. The manner in which content is presented via the web has also changed drastically over the years. Capabilities to bold and produce wording in diverse colors on a web page ten years ago was something to admire but today database-driven websites, animations, online gaming and streaming, e-commerce and are standards. The primary function of all web applications is to ease the achievement of one or more tasks (Adar, Zhang, Adamic & Lukose, 2004). The two most useful internet services are the e-mail and the mailing lists. They create the grounds for Sharing of information, Research methodology and rare sources and documents, and Findings advice. Emails are useful in that they are cost efficient, increases speed of information transferability

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Industrial Relations and Trade Unions in Brazil

Industrial Relations and Trade Unions in Brazil Introduction The development of the Brazilian system of industrial relations and its trade union movement, like in any other country is embedded in the formation of a sector of wage labor.  The debate on trade unions and industrial relations systems is unison in recognize a crisis in the labor movement that developed since the 1980s decade, and much of the efforts were spent identifying the causes of the crisis and exploring pathways to overcome it. However, the debate was stated looking mainly to the situation of the developed countries, specially the US and Western Europe, and the immense diversity of scenarios on the Global South were kept at the fringes of the academic discussion. Part of the explanation is that the theory of industrial relations and trade unions, depends of the existence of a free population performing wage labor. As the most of the Global South was kept under colonial systems sometimes as far as the 1970s decade, and the labor regimes were much more similar to slavery or serfdom than to the regimes in Western societies, the wage labor in those regions has received few attention since the early developments of the fields. Although being achieved independence from Portugal in 1822, the slavery was abolished only in 1888, giving birth to the Brazilian Research Question: Literature Review: As the thesis proposed is divided in three main sections, also the literature can be grouped in three relatively independent bodies. First, the effort to describe the Brazilian industrial relations system and the current role of trade unions start with the normative environment expressed in the Brazilian laws, mainly the Consolidation of Labor Laws (Consolidaà §Ãƒ £o das Leis do Trabalho), enacted in 1943 in the period of Getà ºlio Vargas dictatorship, in autocratic manner, and despite being updated that is still under effect The notion that workers have some power resources is present implicitly in the labor theories of value, and the assumption of the central role of labor in production brings the seed of the idea of structural power. As a development of this centrality of labor, the motto â€Å"Workers of the world, unite!† is the recognition that the organization of workers is able to create power. In that way, most of the authors that considered the workers and the working class for analysis assume the existence and/or the possibility of creation of power resources and its relations with labor conflicts. However, to provide a clearer theoretical referential, is necessary to narrow the concept towards a tipification of the power resources available to workers. The first sources to be considered is Perrone (1983, 1984) unfinished articles, both edited by Eric O. Wright. Aiming to operationalize a variable that explain the strike behavior and the wage levels in different economic sectors, the author presents a definition of â€Å"positional power†[1] as the potential of a certain group of workers to generate disruption in the economic structure. In that sense, as higher the interdependence of the whole economy to a sector, higher is the positional power of the workers in that sector. To measure this variable Perrone uses an input-output matrix to account the dependence of the economy to a specific sector. The findings of the study is that despite the positional power can explain quite well differences in wage levels, the variable isnt sufficient to explain the strike propensity. Concerned with the noncorrelation between positional power and the propensity to strike, Eric O. Wright, in the postscript of Perrone (1984), begins developing the concept of organizational power. He proposes the disruptive potential does not automatically leads to an effective bargaining power of workers, since a group of workers can be present low levels of solidarity and weak organizational resources. However, he sees the positional power as the main determinant of organizational power, assuming the disruptive potential as determinant of the cost-benefit trade-off in organizing and conducing collective actions. Wright states that we should expect very few cases of low organizational power in high positional power situation or the inverse. Wright (2000) evolves his concept to â€Å"associational power†, as the various forms of power that results from the collective organizations of workers, including â€Å"such things as unions and parties but may also include a variety of other forms, such as works councils or forms of institutional representation of workers on boards of directors in schemes of worker codetermination, or even, in  certain circumstances, community organizations†(p. 962). He maintain the concept of structural power as the resultant of the location of workers within the economic system. Analyzing the sites of class compromise, the author recognizes that is possible that an increasing in the associational power of workers can benefit the employers interests. He presents three institutional spheres of class conflict and consequently, sites where class compromise can be forged: the sphere of exchange, concerning labor market and all sort of commodity markets, being the labor unions as the ex pression of the associational power in this sphere; the sphere of production, meaning the intra-firm relations, the labor processes and technological patterns, and the works councils as the expression of workers associational power; the sphere of politics, concerning the shaping and execution of state policies and the management of the state-enforced rules, with the political parties being the form of the associational power of workers. Seeking to understand the mechanisms that allows these different forms of workers associational power to forge positive compromises with the employers. The main feature on the Wrights notion of power resources, for the purpose of the present proposal, is that he assumes workers organizations, for instance unions, works councils and labor parties as the same as workers power. This strong assumption disregards many concepts in industrial relations literature, by typifying the forms that workers organizations can assume. First, the different structures presented arent common to the different industrial relations and political systems. Second, ignore the movement/organization dualism tracked by Hyman (2004:2-3, 2000:60-1) trough the theory of trade unions. Third, other authors see a very different nature of workers power, as presented below. Elaborating the positional/structural source of workers power while looking to the workers in mass production industries, Arrighi and Silver (1984) divide the concept in market-place bargaining power of workers, as the power embodied in the scarcity of a specific skill possessed by workers, and in workplace bargaining power, as the â€Å"power of workers when they are expending they labor-power within the course of capitalist labor process†(pp 193-4). Although the concept is still incipient, it leads to a further strong development, presented in Silver (2005). In this paper, she recover the concept of Wright (2000) for the associational power and put in detail the structural power and its subtypes: marketplace bargaining power that results directly from the labor markets, an can take several forms, as â€Å"(1) the possession of scarce skills that are in demand by employers, (2) low levels of general unemployment, and (3) the ability of workers to pull out of the labor market entirely and survive on nonwage sources of income†(2005:13), and workplace bargaining power, identical to the Perrones concept of positional power. The conceptualization then is used to measure the in what extent the transformations in the organization of production and the proccess of globalization affected the workers power. Based in large extent in the same theoretical framework developed by Wright and Silver, the Jenas â€Å"power resource approach† (Dà ¶rre et al., 2009) contribute adding a new dimension to the dimensions of workers power, the institutional power, meaning the incorporation of the organizational and structural power into social institutions. They argue that Silver ignored this dimension of power, what is very improbable, since she assumes that the â€Å"associational power has been embedded in state legal frameworks that guaranteed such things as the right to form trade unions as well as the obligation of employers to bargain collectively with trade unions†(2005:14). The authors, with help of others, advance in the conceptualization of workers power, adding a new dimension, the societal power (Dà ¶rre and Schmalz, 2013). The authors then build an explicit typification of the various dimensions of power, presented below. Structural Power Associational Power Institutional Power Societal Power Forms of practice Interruption of capital appropriation Formation of workers Reference to chartered rights Interaction with other societal actors Shop floor level Labor unrest Job change Workers committee Works council Shop stewards Works constitution Cooperation and discursive power exceed inevitably the boundaries between these distinct levels Inter-company level Economic strikes Trade unions Free collective bargaining Societal level Political strikes Workers parties Constitution Laws and legislation Of course this typification is not the only one possible, and others will be considered and treated in the further research process for the master thesis, in order to compare and integrate, if valuable and feasible, to the theoretical framework. In advance, two alternative approaches, although being largely intersected, will be examined, namely the typifications developed by Donna McGuire and Christian Là ©vesque and Gregor Murray various articles. (tipyfication not valid all the times, organisation dont means power because of bureacratization, but related with Jena PRA â€Å"organisational power is a resource that can only be acquired through strategically planned collective action and formal organisation† WP and WO only are close related when the workers have the control of the organisationparties can serve to indivudual promotion or pursuit political power per se, WC can be coopted by management or signify promotion on carrer, and unions can develop leaders dettached from its social basis (trough institutionalisation) [1]The author uses â€Å"positional power† and â€Å"structural power† as sinonyms.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hooters and Men :: Personal Narrative Restaurants Papers

Hooters and Men I don’t know why I feel so nervous. I’ve eaten at Hooters once before and it wasn’t so terrible. It’s just a wing joint where the waitresses are famous for being bosomy. Maybe that’s it. I feel inadequate. My small chest will pale in comparison to the over abundance of female flesh put so confidently on display and my boyfriend will never look at me the same. Come to think of it, why was he so proud and anxious to tell every male friend he had that his girlfriend asked him to go to Hooters with her? And why did they respond with cheers, hollers and, â€Å"man, you’re so lucky?† The feeling of trepidation grows as our car nears the dreaded restaurant. I don’t need to feel uneasy: how busy could this restaurant be at 7:30 on a Wednesday night? The sight of a parking lot full of cars almost causes me to force my boyfriend to turn the car around, leaving skid marks as the only piece of incriminating evidence to prove that I was on Hooters property. No, face your fear. I open the car door and walk up to the restaurant, with my boyfriend doing a good impression of not being giddy following at my heels. When I have almost reached the door, a car pulls up and two older couples, probably in their middle sixties, get out. I find it odd that they would patron this particular restaurant, but their presence helps to put me at ease. Maybe I won’t look so bizarre walking into the restaurant next to them. I open the door to a small room where Hooters paraphernalia is sold. Everything from T-shirts to shot glasses, all decorated with the Hooters logo. I have to admit it’s a good marketing strategy: this room is the first thing to greet a customer walking in and the last thing a customer sees on the way out. But the strategy doesn’t work (or at least at this point) for either the older couples or my boyfriend and I. Instead, we walk into the crowded restaurant and try to find a place to sit. My boyfriend and I choose a table against the wall. This table is high off the ground and we sit on stools, which makes it feel like we are at a bar, or another type of informal eatery.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environmental problems Essay

There are numerous environmental problems facing our planet at the moment. Economic globalisation is causing destruction of rainforests in South America while boring a hole through the ozone layer, global warming occurs because of the increased emissions by transport and industries, melting of polar ice-caps is threatening low-lying coastal areas, damage of marine resources through overfishing is taking place, acid rain and pollution of soil and groundwater resources results from using chemicals and artificial fertilisers to boost crop output, incidence of hurricanes and other natural disasters is increasing. There is little consensus within both academic and lay circles as to whether the nature is able to cope with the environmental problems itself. In my opinion, ecosystems have a great potential of restoring the state of natural balance; however, the devastating influence of the humankind has significantly undermined this ability. At the dawn of the 21st century, environmental problems are looming large, and many processes are already irreversible. For instance, species that became extinct due to man’s activity could have been essential elements of certain food chains and habitants. The frequency of large-scale natural calamities, especially in the places that have been for a long time considered relatively safe, is a telling manifestation of the inability of nature to sustain its balanced state. Yet the film argues that today is exactly the day when the humanity can redeem its attitude to nature and prevent a global catastrophe. Therefore, the need for a different approach to the relations between the mankind and environment is necessary. It is imperative to carry on conservation and purification activities coupled with a persistent effort by both businesses and individuals to reduce (and, under the dream scenario, to stop) their environmentally damaging activities. Both individuals and corporations can make a considerable contribution to stopping (or at least slowing down) the degradation of the environment. In fact, many individuals seldom realize how their consumption patters are contributing to the aggravation of the situation. The culture of consumerism that constitutes the underlying philosophy of the West fuels unnecessary overproduction: reconsidering one’s consumption pattern can be the first step on the long way of saving the Earth. As Hertsgaard (2000) argues, the adoption of Western consumerist lifestyle by developing nations poses great dangers and has to be stopped before it firmly catches on. Such an approach implies not only reduction in consumption of non-essential goods and services but also buying from companies that are known to use environmentally-benign technologies in the process of production. The question as to who will suffer first, the Earth or the humans, is incorrect in its essence. Such thinking about the environment is the root cause of the imminent crisis. It is a fatal mistake to think that man is the king of nature. Indeed, our disconnection from the nature resulted in the great degree of alienation and ignorance. While human species is an inherent part of the Earth’s global ecosystems, men prefer to view themselves as ‘outsiders,’ superior to other species. Such approach brought about the overexploitation of the Earth’s resources, considerable environmental damage, and global warming. As Hertsgaard (2000) argues, in many countries, like in Sudan, environmental problems are inherently and explicitly linked to survival through the supply of food and drinking water. In China, pollution at factories equally harms humans and nature. The future of our planet in 50 years is solely dependent on the measures the humankind implements now to prevent the imminent crisis. Hertsgaard (2000) associates hopes with new environmentally friendly industries such as solar power. Given the changing attitudes towards environmental problems, growing awareness, and public policy commitment to betterment of our natural habitat, the outlook for the Earth is not as grim as some doomsayers think.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Father Son Alcohol Addiction

Speech to Explain Outline Topic: Attraction Specific Purpose: To explain to the class why we may become attracted to someone and what happens in our body when we are. Thesis: There are certain theories as to why we become attracted to someone. When we are attracted to someone, our brains release specific chemicals, and we subconsciously let the person know we are attracted through body language. Introduction: Your heart starts to race. You fix both your hair and your shirt. Your pupils dilate and your brain releases dopamine and adrenaline.What’s going on with you? You have a crush on someone and this is your body’s response to seeing and being around that person. I’m positive that we all know what this feels like. Since spring is upon us, leading to warmer weather and more exposed skin, I’m going to discuss a topic that we’re all familiar with around this time of the year: attraction. More specifically, I’m going to explain 1) theories as to why we become attracted to a certain person 2) what happens in our brains when we develop an attraction to someone, and 3) the physical signs of attraction.Trans: Let me start off by saying that attraction is defined as â€Å"the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something†. That being said, let’s go over how it all starts: the reasons why we may become attracted to someone. * Most physical attraction starts with superficial qualities. * According to British scientist Charles Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory, men and women look for partners who exhibit fertility and health through their physical features so they can procreate. Men are more attracted to a woman with an hour glass figure * This is body type is a sign of sexual maturity because when girls go through puberty, they get fat deposits in their breasts, hips and butt. This creates a smaller looking waist, creating the hour glass figure. * Represents a high reproductive potential. * Women are more attracted to a man with broad shoulders and a narrow waist (â€Å"V† shaped body). * Men with this body type are seen as more dominant. * This body shape is also linked to greater levels of testosterone and good health. Women are also more attracted to older men, because with age comes more resources. * The evolutionary theory doesn’t take personality, facial features, and expressive style into account. * How a person identifies themselves can play a role in why they become attracted to someone. This is called the Matching Hypothesis. * Proposed by Elaine Hatfield, pioneer of the scientific study of romantic love and sexual desire, this theory is states that â€Å"people will choose someone of their own level of social desirability† when making dating and mating choices. If you think you’re a 10, you’re going to pursue 10’s. If you think you’re a 6, you’re going to pursue 6’s. * Fun fact: It o nly takes about a second to decide if you’re physically attracted to someone. (Too short, too tall, too skinny, etc. ) TRANS: The evolutionary theory and the matching hypothesis are just two possible explanations as to why we may develop a physical attraction to someone, both dealing with superficial qualities. Now let’s take a look at what’s going on in our brains when we become attracted to someone. The brain is responsible for being attracted to someone, not the heart. * The brain releases 3 chemicals called â€Å"monoamines† when attracted to someone. * Dopamine is a chemical that when released, gives you a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. * When attracted to someone, it can be released when you see that person, when you talk to them, when they touch you, etc. * It is also released when eating chocolate and doing cocaine. * Helen Fisher, Rutgers University anthropologist & expert on romantic love, states that the brain processes attraction the sa me way it would an addiction. Norepinephrine is a hormone that, when released, increases our heart rates and makes us start to sweat. * It is related to adrenaline (â€Å"fight or flight† response) * Gives us those butterflies in our stomach, leaves us breathless. * Serotonin is a chemical that gives us a feeling of calmness and togetherness. * During the initial stages of attraction serotonin levels are low, which explains why we can’t eat or sleep or think about anything other than the person we’re attracted to. * Levels of serotonin rise when the attraction starts to progress into a relationship.The downside to this is that there is a lack of excitement in the relationship. TRANS: So, as the brain releases these chemicals, our bodies will show signs of these chemical and hormonal releases. Now I’m going to go over the physical signs that occur when you are attracted to someone. * An attraction to someone will manifest itself through body language * You r pupils will dilate * Dilation occurs because the release of dopamine when seeing an attractive person excites the nerve endings in your pupils, causing them to dilate. You start to mirror the other person’s actions * Body language mirroring happens subconsciously when you’re attracted to someone and things are going well. * If your crush leans in on the table, you will lean in on the table, if they cross their legs, you’ll cross your legs. * A 2009 study found that in a speed dating scenario, a woman who mimicked the actions of her date made the date a more positive and memorable experience in the man’s opinion. [Gugen] * You start to fix your appearance When you are or are expecting to be around your person of interest, you start to make yourself as visually appealing as possible. * For women, this could mean fixing your hair, adjusting your make up, showing off some skin. * For men, this could also mean fixing their hair, and adjusting their clothes. Trans: So, now that you know what some signs of a crush are, hopefully you can identify when someone’s attracted to you or not. Conclusion: To review, the evolutionary theory and the matching hypothesis are two possible explanations behind why we can become attracted to someone.Our brains release three chemicals when we are around the person we like, and our body language can give away if we are interested in a certain person. Now that you know a little bit about what goes on with our bodies, you can be better prepared the next time you develop an attraction to someone. Thank you. ‘Works Cited Dingfelder, Sadie. â€Å"More than a Feeling. †Ã‚  More Than A Feeling. N. p. , n. d. Web. 07 Apr. 2013. . Hatfield, Elaine. Matching Hypothesis. Http://www. elainehatfield. com/ch108. pdf. N. p. , n. d. Web. â€Å"The Look of Love: Top 5 Physical Signs of Attraction.   HowStuffWorks. N. p. , n. d. Web. 07 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Love Potion No. 9: Top 5 Love Chemicals in the Brain. †Ã‚  HowStuffWorks. N. p. , n. d. Web. 07 Apr. 2013. Nicolas, Guegen. â€Å"Mimicry and Seduction: An Evaluation in a Courtship Context. †Ã‚  Taylor and Francis. N. p. , n. d. Web. 07 Apr. 2013. . Riggio, Ronald. â€Å"Which Body Types Are Most Sexually Attractive. †Ã‚  PsychologyToday. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. . â€Å"The Science of Love. †Ã‚  BBC News. BBC, n. d. Web. 07 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Social Psychology. †Ã‚  SparkNotes. SparkNotes, n. d. Web. 07 Apr. 2013.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

SAT 1 vs SAT 2 Whats the Difference

SAT 1 vs SAT 2 What's the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might have heard of something called the SAT II (or SAT 2) and wondered what it could be. A secret, harder version of the SAT, perhaps? The reality is less dramatic: the SAT II is just an old name for the SAT Subject Tests. This guide will explain the current form of the SAT II, outline the differences between the SAT 1 vs SAT 2, and help you determine which of the tests you should take. Feature Image:Matthias Neugebauer/Flickr What Are the SAT 1 and the SAT 2? As I touched on above, these aresimply out-of-date monikers: the SAT I is now known as just as the SAT and the SAT II is more descriptively referred to as the SAT Subject Tests.Colleges sometimes still refer to the tests as the SAT I and SAT II, so don't worry if you see those terms. The SAT started out as a military IQ testand was administered as a college admissions assessment for the first time in 1926. Since then, it's undergone a series of changes to make it less focused on innate ability and more on testing concepts and skills students learn in school. It's weathered a few controversies, but it's still considereda decent predictor of how students will do in college. The SAT Subject Tests are almost as old as the SAT proper. Officially called Scholarship Tests but known colloquially as the Achievement Tests,the Subject Testsstarted in 1937and were basically the same thing they are now: one-hour tests on specific subjects,like biology andworld history. There are currently 20 different Subject Tests, and you can sign up for up to three per test date. Here is an overview of all SAT Subject Tests: Humanities Math and Science Literature Math Level 1 US History Math Level 2 World History Biology (E/M) Chemistry Physics Languages (No Listening) Languages (w/ Listening) French French with Listening German German with Listening Spanish Spanish with Listening Modern Hebrew Chinese with Listening Italian Japanese with Listening Latin Korean with Listening What’s the Difference Between the SAT 1 and the SAT 2? Originally, the SAT I was meant to test aptitude and the SAT II was meant to test achievement. That is to say, one tested what you were capable of, and the other tested what you knew. But when the College Board moved away from the idea of the SAT I testing innate ability, they reframed it as a reasoning test, making the difference between the two SATs less well defined. With changes in 2016, the SAT I (now just the SAT) is more focused than ever on testing knowledge rather than logic. At this point, I'd say that the SAT tests general knowledge and the SAT Subject Tests assess topical knowledge. There arealso some key ways the two tests differ in structure.For one, although the questions on both tests are primarily multiple choice, SAT questions have four answer choices, while SAT Subject Test questionstypically have five answer choices. This means that you'll have a slightly higher probability of guessing the correct answer on the SAT (25% chance) than you will on the SAT Subject Tests (20% chance). In addition, SAT Subject Tests have a guessing penalty for incorrect answers, whereas the SAT does not (though it used to). Note that you neither gain nor lose points for questions left blank on both tests. Here's how the guessing penalty works on the SAT II: 1/4 point deducted for every incorrect five-choice question 1/3 point deducted for every incorrect four-choice question 1/2 point deducted for every incorrect three-choice question Take a look at the chart below for a rundown of the basic differences between the two types of SAT tests in their current forms: SAT SAT Subject Tests Other Names SAT 1, SAT I, SAT Reasoning Test SAT 2, SAT II, SAT Achievement Tests Format 3 hr 50 min multiple-choice test (with one essay question) 1 hr multiple-choice test Subject Matter Reading, Writing, Math 20 different topics (listed above) Guessing Penalty? No Yes Which Schools Require It? Almost all colleges Only some very selective colleges Also note that because of the timing of each test, you cannot take the SAT and any SAT Subject Tests on the same testing day. How to Determine Whether You Need to Take the SAT, the SAT Subject Tests, or Both A good rule of thumb is that you'll almost certainly have to take theSAT I (or the ACT), but you'll probablyonly need to take the SAT II if you're applying to highly selective colleges. Nonetheless, you should check the testing requirements for each school you're applying to since they can differ quite a bit. The majority of collegeshaveone ofthree basic policies on the SAT Subject Tests. Let's go through them one at a time. Policy 1: They Only Ask For the SAT (or ACT) Most schools, including the majorstate universities, don't require applicants to submit Subject Test scores. However, some colleges will consider SAT II scores,so they can be a helpful way to show your mastery of a certain subject area (as long as you dowell). Policy 2: They Ask For the SAT (or ACT) and SAT Subject Tests A handfulofvery selective schools,includingHarvard and Rice,require applicants to submit scores from both the SAT I and between one and three (usually two) SAT II tests. Some collegeshave more specific guidelines regarding which Subject Tests you need to take. For example,MIT requires one Math SAT II and one Science SAT II. Other schools- including McGill, Tufts, and Duke- will waive the Subject Tests requirement if you submit ACT scores.These schools will still look at SAT Subject Test scores if you send them, however. Policy 3: They Ask For the SAT orSATSubject Tests A growing subset of schools have adopted atest-flexiblepolicy, which means they allow students to choose which scores they'd like to submit from a numberof different tests.Examples of schools that allow students to submit SAT II results in place of SAT I or ACT scores include NYU, Colorado College, and Middlebury. Recap: Should You Take SAT I or SAT II? The SAT I is the standard SAT test format, which you will need to take for most college applications. The SAT II tests are subject-specific tests that might or might not be required, depending on where you plan to apply. As you can see above, colleges' SAT II policies vary widely. Be sure to look up the testing requirements for every school you’re planning to apply to, and determine what you need to do well in advance. You might want to start by checking outour complete list of schools that require SAT Subject Tests. That said, don't forget to confirm colleges' policies on their official websites! What's Next? If you've determined that you need to take the SAT II,the next step is figuring out which Subject Tests you should takeand what scores you need to shoot for. You might also want to take a look at our SAT Subject Test study guides for US Historyand Physics. Ifyou're applying to Ivy Leagueschools,check out our guides on what SAT score you need, what their average SAT II scores are, and exactly how you can get in. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:

Monday, October 21, 2019

11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad

11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad Playing daddy all the time can be a tiresome task. Dads sometimes feel ignored, unappreciated, and even unwanted in their own family. When that happens, it is time for some words of inspiration. Inspirational dad quotes will pep up any sagging spirit. Dad Quotes for Inspiration Harry S. Truman I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. Lydia M. Child Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! Kent Nerburn It is much easier to become a father than to be one. Euripides Noble fathers have noble children. Richard Henry Dana Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked of children. Douglas MacArthur By profession, I am a soldier and take pride in that fact. But I am prouder - infinitely prouder - to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build; the father only builds, never destroys. The one has the potentiality of death; the other embodies creation and life. And while the hordes of death are mighty, the battalions of life are mightier still. It is my hope that my son, when I am gone, will remember me not from the battlefield but in the home repeating with him our simple daily prayer, Our Father who art in Heaven. Anonymous One night a father overheard his son pray Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be. Croesus In peace, the sons bury their fathers, but in war, the fathers bury their sons. Sir Stephen Spender When a child, my dreams rode on your wishes, I was your son, high on your horse, my mind a top whipped by the lashes of your rhetoric, windy of course. Chinese Proverb If a son is uneducated, his dad is to blame. Jan Hutchins When I was a kid, my father told me every day, Youre the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Automobiles in Short Fiction

Cars as symbols (freedom, false values, power) in stories by Louise Erdrich (Red Convertible), Flannery OConnor (Good Man Is Hard to Find) John Steinbeck (Chrysanthemums). The automobile is both a means of transportation and a symbol of American freedom, and it is used as a symbol of various aspects of American society by different authors. It becomes an explicit statement of freedom and a symbol of false American values in a story by Louise Erdrich, while its freedom is false in a story by Flannery OConnor. John Steinbeck makes use of the automobile as a metaphor for control and power in The Chrysanthemums. In The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich, the automobile of the title becomes a central symbol for the relationship between the two Chippewa brothers and for the relationship of the American Indian to the modern world. The story subtly evokes ideas and attitudes about the plight of the Native American without actually addressing these issues overtly. The narrator

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nursing research class ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing research class ethics - Essay Example I am also an open-minded person. But sometimes I do not recognize my biases. I am in a hurry to beat deadlines. Sometimes, I do not take enough time to gather enough information or do not follow the plan accordingly which results in a poor quality outcome of my critical thinking. But my strongest aspect is turning errors into learning opportunities. It is always a challenge for me to get better the next time when things go wrong. I often tell myself "Nobody's perfect". Failure to me is being mature enough to keep yourself stronger and wiser to change what is best. psychological states after an abortion under this principle is about dealing someone's state of mind with respect and protecting their confidentiality. It is about preserving life of an individual to the maximum extent possible. Since abortion is such a complex issue in our society, it is also about setting aside our biases or issues, focusing the experiences or feelings of the individual who had an abortion and extend help which will maximize benefits to the individual. Justice: Justice is all about the ethical considerations or risks versus benefits leadings to the question of justice. In some states in United States it is illegal to have abortion.

Nurses' Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors Essay

Nurses' Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors - Essay Example In case of the medication error emergency nurses should be prepared to tackle with it. Keywords: medication error, emergency, injuries. Introduction It is true that field of medicine and bio technology is playing an important role in our lives. Several new medicines have been designed for specific diseases. And they are working efficiently, but the importance of prevention can never be denied. In some cases prevention is the only solution and also prevention is a lot easier than the medical surgeries offered. Prevention is not only necessary to safeguard our body from further diseases but it is also very necessary in the hospital environment to save the patients from any type of medical emergency. Therefore it is the responsibility of an individual, a nurse and a doctor to block the path of the undesired medical emergencies by preventing the medical errors. Medical Errors Are Nurses Responsibilities Since nurses are intimately involved in the health care delivery and are ultimately r esponsible in acute phases of the disease, it is important for nurses to understand the factors contributing to errors for effective prevention error (Lyer & Aiken, 2001, p.171). Improving safety at the point of care is the most important aspect of error prevention. Incorrect drug calculations, lack of individual knowledge and failure to follow established protocol, time pressures, fatigue, understaffing, inexperience, design deficiencies and inadequate equipments create opportunities for error (Carlton and Blegen, 2006, p. 25). A medical error is the type of error that occurs while offering medical services to a patient. â€Å"It can be defined as the error rose due to the wrongfully taken medical step or the incorrect treatment offered to the personal error, which can further result in medical emergency.† (Bootman, 2006, p. 25).There are many types of the medical errors. Nurses and Medical Error A lot of medical errors occurred in hospital by hands of the nurses. These erro rs are sometimes minor and sometimes major. Major errors can lead to a medical emergency or even death. Minor errors can be corrected by giving anti dote or other immediate medical treatment. On the one hand when nurses are the reason behind some of the major medical errors, at the same time they have the ability to prevent the same errors. A special type of training is given to nurses to ensure the medical safety of the patients and safeguard them from any emergency by any mean (Cima, 2007, p. 35). Why are the Nurses behind Most of the Medical Errors? After doctor, nurse is the only responsible body in the hospital and she should ensure the patients’ safety by any mean. Unfortunately a lot of medical errors are made by the nurses; this could be due to their extended presence in the hospital or more duty coverage as compared to the doctors. A lot many actions come under the duties of the nurses and they have to fulfill them without any delay or excuse. Errors Made by Nurses: Several types of errors made by the nurses are observed. Following are the most abundant errors. Read and Write: Reading the wrong drug name or other treatment instruction and applying them without any confirmation. Taking the wrong drug route or failing to give proper treatment with time. Writing the poor patient information, missing the medical condition in the report and giving half information are some read and write errors. Moreover

You can choose the best topic for this assignment Essay

You can choose the best topic for this assignment - Essay Example er day, Cole serves to rule out many ambiguities and makes the public familiar with how the Holocaust can be called an expression of a wartime propaganda and how none of the facilities examined at Auschwitz supported any genocide or execution of millions of Jews using any lethal gas. The wild facts exposed by Cole’s interview instantly set a fire of antagonism, debate, and deliberation among historians and critics around the globe. Cole’s narration can be found based on sound and credible approach considering the fact that promoting the camps built up by Germans as being capable of massacring such an astounding number of people is empty mockery. Through this interview, Cole manages in ruling out the possibility that any cruel act like the Holocaust actually happened because many years would have been required to execute as many as six million Jews considering that Dr. Piper stressed on limited gassings per day and multiple gassings per day at a very fast pace would have been required for such a large scale massacre. In Cole’s own words, â€Å"the concept of limited gassing makes ridiculous the idea of German intent to wipe out the entire Jewish population† (Cole and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The advantages and disadvantages of electronic books Essay

The advantages and disadvantages of electronic books - Essay Example Furthermore, personal readers from Amazon and Sony have been experiencing a breakthrough in the commercial business and this has attracted popular press and business. There has been rising interest in the academic field for the usage of e- books owing to their convenience and increasing printing costs. This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of e-books and gives recommendations on how to improve in their usage. In spite of the numerous disadvantages associated with the use of e- books, different users are gradually accepting their use in the academic and commercial fields (Steve, 32). In the recent times, e- books have gained popularity due to the several advantages they have over printed books. There are numerous advantages linked with the usage of e- books that are discussed below. According to a recent survey conducted among users, the main advantages were found to be ability to search key words, ease of access from dif ferent locations; they are environmentally friendly and portable (Anuradha and Usha 47). It is clear that users value the ability to search information in detail, time saving abilities and their convenience. E- Books are more efficient since if one is looking for a particular topic they can apply a search feature to get the relevant internet pages that are worth checking out. In addition to, e- books are ranked in order of importance hence the reader can establish the credible ones (Staiger 367). E- Books offer customized display since the user can adjust them according to their desires. They can make the print bigger or smaller depending on their wish or even minimize the web page. E- Books are an amazing way of preserving past literature (Grant). This is through the digitization of historical collections that leads to the creation of a knowledge base and restoration of cultures. E- Books enable audio translation and this enables the readers to privately listen to the information o n the book. This improves learning and has massive benefits for the visually impaired users. Additionally, e- books are easy to navigate and search for information. In relation to this, e- books enhance interactivity and allow the use of different learning styles (Grant). Moreover, e- books offer privacy as it is difficult to see what one is reading (Jeong). E- Books have a positive impact on the environment. This is because e- books minimize the amount of paper used for printing since they do not require any printing paper. In the long run, it will lead to the conservation of trees (The Economist). It is easy to transfer information that is contained in e- books and this is convenient for travellers and long – distance learners. At the same time e- books are free from problems of wear and tear, theft and the risk of being misplaced. The dictionary function makes learning of new words and concepts easier as one can easily find out the definition of a word by simply clicking o n it (Siriginidi, 371) . E- Books allow for the integration of social sites such as Twitter and Facebook thereby facilitating sharing of information (Siriginidi, 256). Additionally, it enhances the making and taking of notes and this leaves a digital trail for future student (Shelburne 60). This also benefits book clubs and recreational readers. E- Books offer divers e choice to the readers as they can have as many books as they

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium - Research Paper Example Science claims that these changes are due to genes which are present in our cells. In order to find out how these changes are made, scientists carry out various tests with the help of cells and genes ( 1). These tests are called genetic experiments. Many different tests in this regard are been carried out in order to enhance the study of genes. Science has modified and now they are even able to create a life in laboratory or even clone living things. Whether these kinds of tests and experiments should be done or not, is an altogether a very argumentative topic thus people across the world have different views regarding it where some believe that there is no harm in it on the other hand others believe it to be prohibited. The study discusses the three common and controversial experiments ahead (Lederberg 519) Creation of Human Life Dr. Craig Venter and his team conducted an experiment in which they created an entirely new chromosome with the help of non-natural DNA which was made from chemicals. They transmitted this DNA in to a cell and observed that it was multiplying giving a real life evidence of it to be alive. This experiment was questioned by various scientists and Professors of various fields.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

You can choose the best topic for this assignment Essay

You can choose the best topic for this assignment - Essay Example er day, Cole serves to rule out many ambiguities and makes the public familiar with how the Holocaust can be called an expression of a wartime propaganda and how none of the facilities examined at Auschwitz supported any genocide or execution of millions of Jews using any lethal gas. The wild facts exposed by Cole’s interview instantly set a fire of antagonism, debate, and deliberation among historians and critics around the globe. Cole’s narration can be found based on sound and credible approach considering the fact that promoting the camps built up by Germans as being capable of massacring such an astounding number of people is empty mockery. Through this interview, Cole manages in ruling out the possibility that any cruel act like the Holocaust actually happened because many years would have been required to execute as many as six million Jews considering that Dr. Piper stressed on limited gassings per day and multiple gassings per day at a very fast pace would have been required for such a large scale massacre. In Cole’s own words, â€Å"the concept of limited gassing makes ridiculous the idea of German intent to wipe out the entire Jewish population† (Cole and

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium - Research Paper Example Science claims that these changes are due to genes which are present in our cells. In order to find out how these changes are made, scientists carry out various tests with the help of cells and genes ( 1). These tests are called genetic experiments. Many different tests in this regard are been carried out in order to enhance the study of genes. Science has modified and now they are even able to create a life in laboratory or even clone living things. Whether these kinds of tests and experiments should be done or not, is an altogether a very argumentative topic thus people across the world have different views regarding it where some believe that there is no harm in it on the other hand others believe it to be prohibited. The study discusses the three common and controversial experiments ahead (Lederberg 519) Creation of Human Life Dr. Craig Venter and his team conducted an experiment in which they created an entirely new chromosome with the help of non-natural DNA which was made from chemicals. They transmitted this DNA in to a cell and observed that it was multiplying giving a real life evidence of it to be alive. This experiment was questioned by various scientists and Professors of various fields.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Methods Essay Example for Free

Research Methods Essay The main factors that influence a sociologists choice of research method depend on two different theoretical approaches to the study of society; positivism and interpretivism. Positivism is an approach in sociology that believes society can be studied using similar scientific techniques to those used in the natural sciences, such as physics, biology and chemistry. Interpretivism is an approach emphasizing that people have consciousness involving personal beliefs, values and interpretations that influence the way they act and that they do not simply respond to forces outside them. These two theoretical approaches often use different research methods because they have different assumptions about the nature of society, this influences the type of data they are interested in collecting. Practicality, ethics, theory and subject of study also contribute to the methods used for research. There are various methods sociologists use to carry out a research on society. The two common forms are quantitative and qualitative research methods. I will begin by analysing the meanings behind the words, qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative methods are used by people that support the use of scientific investigation, it usually includes numerical statistical methods; the purpose is to expand and utilize mathematical techniques, conjecture and hypothesis. In contrast to this the qualitative research method. This is usually used by sociologists that support the use of humanistic research. It differs from quantitative methods in the sense that, qualitative research methods depend on specific reasons behind the way some people in society behave. Using the qualitative method however, they are prone to ask questions like, ‘why? or ‘how? ’ compared to the quantitative data which would more likely ask straight forward questions like, ‘what? ’ or ‘where’. In qualitative methods the research usually focuses on small samples instead, unlike quantitative research on the other hand, focus lacks and the methods usually inhabits a large, random sample. Unlike a quantitative method where the research depends restrictedly on the investigation of arithmetical or quantifiable statistics, data from qualitative research comes in many medium e. g. moving images, text or sound. Qualitative research was first recognised in the 1970s. Examples of Qualitative data are participant observation, direct observation, unstructured interviews, case studies etc. Examples of Quantitative data are questionnaires, surveys, attitude scales or standardised tests. They are practical issues that affect the methods sociologist may use. These can come from a range of financial issues to ethical issues. * Coaching Interviewers is comparatively clear-cut and economical however it cost more to merely redistributing questionnaire to people. Surveys that resort to structured interviews can cover great group of people with restricted resources because they are moderately cheap to administer however they cannot match the huge numbers reached by postal questionnaire. * Questionnaire and interviews collect straight forward factual information * Questionnaire results are quantitative because they are closed-ended questions with coded answers. This makes them suitable for hypothesis- testing. Sometimes there are specific factors could cause problems amongst certain research methods. Such as: * Time Questionnaires would be more time consuming while the workload of surveys can be shared by a team * Money -researchers need an income and costs large scale. Social surveys are more high-priced than small focus groups. * Characteristics and skills of the research some situations may be risky and not all sociologist could cope handle this, a woman may have difficulty doing P. O in a monastery access and opportunity. If there is no access to certain groups then secondary sources may have to be used as an alternative. An example of this is when you get researchers hoping to cover a survey on a specific gang or cult. This could be dangerous especially if that gang may have a record of crime and callous behaviour. The researcher may find it really hard if not impossible to get access into the gang or cult; and if he was to get access he could be in immense trouble especially if he went under cover. * Some issues include ethical issues, sometimes certain research is taken on an undercover basis. This could be seen as illusory. Some people would argue that researchers should be 100% honest with the people they are researching on, it is only ethical, moral and honest that this form of sincerity is shown amongst whom the research is based on nevertheless when doing a research as an undercover researcher the questions of ethics arises. Is it morally correct that someone should be studied and researched on without consent or acknowledgement of such thing? The law is that undercover research can only be approved as long as there is no other alternative that is available. Posivists like their research to be scientific whereas Interprevists like to get into the shoes and go through the situation. Feminists, Ann Oakley decides her choice of methods and topic according to her own experience of childhood and motherhood. As a feminist she avoided methods which she described as having a male-stream bias (positivism). She selected the more qualitative and intimate methods of unstructured interviews and participant observation. She deems that the commission of sociology is to include the lives of the respondents.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Standard Form Of Contract With Quantities Construction Essay

Standard Form Of Contract With Quantities Construction Essay This report will outline the full range of roles and responsibilities within the JCT 2005 Standard Form of Contract with Quantities (SBC/Q) for the project of Oasis Leisure Complex. This project is at the request of the employer the Gallagher Brothers, Duck Construction (UK) Ltd have been successful in winning the contract to complete the building works. For this project the contract to be used is the JCT 2005 Standard Form of Contract with Quantities (SBC/Q). With this type of contract being selected there are certain roles and responsibilities that each party involved in the contract must observe. The key personnel involved in a contract of this type are as follows:- Roles Within Project (Standard Building Contract: Ed 2 Construction Contracts: Ed 4) Employer Client The client is the employer for the project; this can be a single person, a partnership or a large scale company. The client is the role which issues the project requirements and provides the funding for the building works to go ahead. The client must select a principle contractor or a representative who is skilled in this type of contract to ensure the contract and project are carried out correctly. Professionals Principle Contractor/Project Manager/Representative The principle contractor will work on behalf of the employer to carry out all the major elements of the building project and the contractual procedures. The principle contractor will be in contact with all of the key personnel within the project liaising and instructing all of the external companies brought in to carry all of the building and design related work. As can be seen on the diagram below (Standard Building Contract: Ed 2 ) the principle contractor will have to liaise with multiple parties throughout the whole of the projects duration ensuring all the employers requirements are carried out. Architect An Architect must also be employed in most projects, this can be done by the employer prior to appointing a principle contractor or they can be selected by the principle contractor when the project is underway. The architects role is to work with the client and the principle contractor to come up with an overall design from the requirements laid down by the employer. They will ensure that the building is functional and achievable and will provide all the drawings for the complete project with exact measurements and details for construction. The architect will also work with designers and technologists to complete the drawings for the project to take shape. They are responsible for any changes that need to be made from the existing drawings. The roles of these specialists are:- Technologist The technologist will ensure the structure and design ideas from the architect are feasible. They will specify materials and structural design for the contracted builders to follow Designer The designer will specialise in fit out and interior area design and functionality. They will specify finishes and qualities of areas throughout the building project. Quantity Surveyor The role of the quantity surveyor is to provide measurement and costing from the architects drawings. The QS will carry out this task to get an accurate cost model for the project from the drawings they are supplied with to give to the employer as a projected quote for completion of the building. The QS will work throughout the project adjusting the costing and final accounts as the job progresses if any changes or variations occur. Management Main Contractor Person in Charge (PIC)/Site Manager The role of the PIC/Site Manager is to be permanently on site to supervise the building works. They are usually specified by the principle contractor to act upon the role of the principle contractor via an onsite basis. The PIC/Site Manager is responsible for all building works taking place onsite; they are also responsible for all direction and specification given by any inspectors or Clerk of Works. Clerk of Works The Clerk of Works is employed by the client to work with the Architect in an onsite inspector role. The Clerk of Works responsibility is to ensure that all the design elements of the architects plans are being carried out and are being done to the correct specifications from the employer. Contractor The role of the contractor is to work on behalf of the principle contractor to appoint each of the specialist trades needed to build the project; these specialists are known as sub-contractors. The contractor will source builders, glazers, plumbers etc to carry out each of the individual tasks that will need to be carried out to complete the final structure. The contractor will also liaise with suppliers to ensure that correct materials are ordered, the best prices are paid and that all materials are delivered to site at the right times. They ensure that the Sub-contractors are aware of the work that is required of them and coordinating all the elements taking place on the site at specific times of the construction process. Works Contractors Sub contractors This role consists of the builders, plumbers, glazers etc employed by the contractor. They are specialists in each of their individual trades and will be responsible for the actual construction and works that take place on site. Suppliers This role consists of taking orders and supplying materials on site that are required by the sub-contractors. Specific suppliers are normally stipulated in the contract and they will provide all of the required materials for the project for an agreed amount. Materials that they will supply can consist of sand for brickwork, block work, hardcore etc. Problems Conflicts (Construction Contracts: Ed 4) Many of the individual roles that have been outlined above will have never worked in collaboration with each other on a personal basis as well as the client potentially being inexperienced in the contract and construction process. With so many different roles having to come together and work efficiently over a large scale project inevitably problems will occur as the plans take shape. These issues are common with most projects and if managed correctly can be easily overcome, the use of a JCT contract will aid in solving the problems that occur and build a strong and reliable team. Some of the common problems and conflicts are as follows: Large-scale Project Team The size and scale of man power and people involved even within the smallest of construction projects is very difficult to manage without problems. With so many different trades and specialisations coming together on one project communication and understanding is key. Many different professionals will no doubt be spread out across the country and will have to work together efficiently to ensure the project takes place, is to the correct specifications and on time. The timing of each trade or skill taking place must be streamlined in order to minimise the problems that may occur. Communication must be focused on at all times as this is the easiest solution to the problems that occur with large scale teams. Professional Pride Due to most people and trades involved with the project never working with each other on a single construction project pride and ignorance can play a huge role in conflicts occurring. Each individual is responsible for their part of the project and will face charges or sanctions if they do not carry out their role properly. Because of this some trades or individuals will feel that they are at a higher worth than other members of the project and that other roles are inferior. This attitude should be avoided at all costs, the principle contractor should ensure that all roles are working well together and take relative steps to counter any problems occurring or remedy any existing problems by liaising with the personnel involved. Task/Timescale Overlaps Almost all projects will have a timescale associated with them. Most projects will be meticulously planned so that all building and consultation works take place as efficiently and smoothly as possible. Each stage will be in line with all of the other tasks to ensure that no conflict occurs. Unfortunately task/timescale overlaps are also inevitable, damage limitations or contingencies should be thought through to ensure projects do not fall too far behind. The best way to counter this problem is to have someone meticulously monitor and adjust a semi-flexible timescale plan which is developed as the project takes place, this will ensure that the problem planned components can be changed quickly without too much disruption. As shown above all the roles and responsibilities are outlined in the JCT contract, this helps to minimize the problems that can occur on a construction project. The JCT does this by clearly outlining each persons role and responsibility with in the whole of the construction project, it ensures that each person is fully aware of what is expected of them and if problems do occur the contract outlines can be used to source and remedy the problem immediately and efficiently.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sympathy for Lady Macbeth Essay -- Literature Shakespeare Plays Essays

Sympathy for Lady Macbeth In this essay I am going to answer the question above and I will do this by saying whether or not I feel sympathy for lady Macbeth and I go through different parts in the play. After reading parts of the play and watching the video I don’t’ feel very much sympathy for lady Macbeth, although I do feel some sympathy for her in some parts in the play. Over all I think that lady Macbeth is a fiend as she says stuff that’s not very nice to make Macbeth do the things that she is too scared to do herself. I also think that she is a caring person really but she needed to be made evil by witchcraft, as she would not be able to do what she does through out the play in her normal person. The way that the play has been dramatised effects the way we feel about lady Macbeth. In scene 1 where there is a soliloquy lady Macbeth is just standing there speaking to herself and the audience. As she reads the letter I think that you get an insight as to what she is about. â€Å"Hail king that shalt be. This have I thought good to deliver thee, my dearest partner of greatness, that thou mightst not lose the dues of rejoicing by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee†. I think that here she is saying that macbeth is going to be king and that nothing will get in his way as he is crowned king. In this scene you also get a look at lady Macbeth’s interpretation of Macbeth’s personality, this helps you see what type of person she has to live with and you can tak...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Raising kids :: essays research papers

The object of this study is to carry out a small scale investigation, based on the Hess et al (1980) study which was development expectations of children on of mothers in different countries. Factors that I shall be taking into consideration whilst carrying out the interviews include the participants’ race, cultural background and their socio-economic status. I will also address the significance of aspects such as child having siblings, being raised by a single parent or a first time parent(s). All the areas covered in this study may to some extent affect how a child is raised and also lend some explanation to the different views the parent has acquired about the relationship with their child A child may often learn from others around them, by copying or engaging themselves in similar behavioural patterns. Parents often tend to set boundaries of what is acceptable to them. Some of their views may be typical to others; others may be formed by a certain cultural demand. A child may discover the ability to carry out certain tasks at a particular age yet the parent may feel that their child should be doing that task before or after a certain age; indeed these aspects of parenting can cause great anxieties. Taking a look back at Hess et al’s study it can be seen by the statement cards that many parents often have different opinions or expectations on when their child should be able to do something, possibly in comparison to the behaviour of other parents with their children, or how they themselves have been raised. Parental influence on children is very important in the early stages of child development and as the children grow they will start to deal with things in the ir own way, compiling what they have been taught by parents with their own experiences and understanding of their background and social environment. In addition children’s own observations from their environment as well as their engagement with older and closer age children can often contribute to their learning from others for example in feeding and dressing themselves and other such activities, in doing so they are getting to grasps with different emotions and ultimately the art of human interaction. Children have the ability to resolve issues by learning to balance initiative against the demand of others. Development involves change and this goes for any of the stages in child development, but more crucial are the issues that affect the rate of a child’s development.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Tentative Study of Trademark Translation Essay

Abstract: Trademark is a special kind of language signs. It is the concentration of commodities’ distinct characteristics, the core of commodities’ culture, and the powerful weapon for an enterprise to participate in international competitions. With the development of globalization and the increase in international trade, the products of importing and exporting strengthen day by day; the translation of trademarks is gaining more and more attention. Nowadays, more and more people have realized that a good translation of a trademark in promoting sales is crucial to the development of international markets and profits making. According to some instances of trademark translation, this thesis summarizes some main characteristics of trademark, and discusses the principles and some general methods of trademark translation. Key words: Trademark; characteristics; translation principles; translation methods : , , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; Introduction According to R. Heis, an American economist: â€Å"A brand name, i. e. trademark is a name, form, sign, design or a combination of them that tells who makes it or who sells it, distinguishing that product from those made or sold by others. † (Guo Guilong & Zhang Hongbo, 2008: 100) A trademark is just like a product’s name, which is the representative of the image of a company and the symbol of quality. In promoting sales, the trademark plays a very important role in arousing consumer’s desire to shop, bringing the huge economic benefits and even in determining the survival of a company. With China’s joining to the WTO, China strengthens cooperation with other countries, including increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges. How to introduce our products to foreign countries, bring foreign products into the domestic markets and conduct a successful sales business has become quite important. Therefore, a successful translation of trademark becomes urgent and necessary for the enterprises. While trademark translation is not only a simple conversion from one code to another, but a clear intention of the cross-language commercial, a special cross-cultural communication activity. Thus, it is vital for us to pay more attention to the principles and methods of trademark translation. Chapter1 The Characteristics of Trademark Though there are various definitions of trademark, they share something in common. In general, a trademark should be simple and easy to remember, and should be distinctive and favorably associative. 1. 1 Simple and Easy to Remember It is a basic requirement for a trademark to be simple and easy to spell. Choosing short and simple words for composing trademarks will help consumers comprehend them more easily, because simple and short words are easy to keep in memory. Nowadays, with the fast development of economy, more and more trademarks flood into the market, how could consumers memorize all of them? Therefore, if a trademark is short and easy to spell and memorize, it can occupy the market easily. In fact, most well-known trademarks are in short form, such as Nike, Sony, Apple and so on. 1. 2 Distinctive from Similar Products We all know that the purpose of using trademarks is to distinguish one product from others. Therefore, to be distinctive is another important characteristic of a trademark. Trademarks, in a sense, are equal to signs and reputations. Distinctiveness can help customers not to be easily confused with other trademarks in the market either by sound or appearance. Distinctive and typical words may be used to distinguish the relevant product from others. â€Å"Kodak† (camera) created by the manager, is distinctive and easy for the potential consumers to memorize. The Chinese famous trademark â€Å"Lenovo†( ),can easily be differentiated from other computers, because â€Å"Lenovo†, a coined word, can be associated with the word â€Å"legend† which is particular and attractive. Lenovo is more innovative than legend. Adventurous consumers will prefer that trademark distinguishes the relevant product from other computers with consummate ease. 1. 3 Arousing Favorable Association Most trademarks can arouse favorable association, which is an indispensable feature of trademark. Owing to the requirement of marketing, a trademark is not only a sign, but also an advertisement. It should arouse the favorable association and show the good quality to consumers. Some trademarks have inherent meaning and some have historic or cultural connotations, both of which can arouse favorable associations. â€Å"LUX† (soap) is a product of Unilever Company. â€Å"LUX†, a Latin word, means â€Å"sunshine†. So the consumer can associate it with â€Å"bright sunshine and healthy skin†. This trademark even let people imagine the romantic feeling on the summer beach. What’s more, consumers can associate â€Å"LUX† with â€Å"lucks† and â€Å"luxury† from its appearance and pronunciation. Thus, Unilever Company publicizes the good quality of its products by the favorable association of the trademark. From the above example, we can see that the inherent meaning of trademarks plays an important part in advertising and can arouse people’s desirable association and let them accept the products. Chapter 2 The Principles of Trademark Translation Trademark translation is an art as well as a science. It is a comprehensive process which is related to linguistics, translation theory, intercultural communication, aesthetics, and consumer psychology. Generally speaking, trademark translation is a complex task of compromising between the meanings of trademarks and their consumers. Therefore, to translate trademarks successfully, some principles should be taken into consideration. 2. 1 Reveal the Products’ Characteristics Usually, every product has its identification. Trademark translation should show the features and functions of the products, so that the buyers could immediately think of the usage of products when they see the trademarks. As has been discussed by Xu Hui and Cheng Zhendong, the characteristic of a product means that it has some basic elements which differ from those of others (Xu Hui, 2004:55-56). The translated brand name should match with the characteristics of products and show the idea of the original name. The characteristics of products not only distinguish from others, but also contain the ability to communicate with the consumers. Thus, in the process of translation, the translator should grasp the characteristics of the products, so as to promote the understanding of products for consumers, and help learn the characteristics and functions of the products by the first sight. For example, a trademark of suit-dress â€Å"Hope Show† is translated into â€Å" †, in which the word â€Å"? † instantly reflects in the products for the apparel category, and â€Å"? † add more promotion of a happy and peaceful feeling to the goods. The translation not only reflects the features of the product but also caters to consumers’ aesthetic taste. Nobody will have interest in products which they are not acquainted. A successful trademark translation should have the trait that customers can learn the category and characteristics of the product. Like â€Å"Nike†, the famous American brand of sports wears, is the name of the goddess Victory in Greek myth. According to its pronunciation, it can be translated into â€Å" † or â€Å" † in Chinese. However, these two names can’t reveal the characteristics of the product, but even give people a misunderstanding that â€Å"Nike† is some products for women. â€Å" † is better. â€Å"? † means something durable. As the sport wear, durability is equal to good quality. â€Å"? † implies that people can finally overcome difficulties and succeed, conforming with the connotation of Victory. These two words in Chinese show the features of the product perfectly. Another example is Procter & Gamble’s antidandruff shampoo â€Å"Head & Shoulders†. The translation â€Å" † means dandruff disappears when washed, and highlights the distinct characteristics of the product fully. Another two examples are â€Å"Sportsman† (bicycle) and â€Å"Unlsports† (sports shoes). The former is translated into â€Å"†, the latter into â€Å" †. If you are not familiar with the trademarks, who will associate it with their products? 2. 2 Choose the Appropriate Words As the symbol of products, trademarks should be simple and easy to remember and understandable for consumers. So in order to leave the best impression on consumers, translators should choose some appropriate words during the process of trademark translation. The more complicated words in the translation, the weaker the trademark sounds and the less memorable it becomes. For instance, McDonald’s was transliterated into â€Å"† in mainland of China before and now is displaced by â€Å" †. Also, in mainland, the brand name â€Å"Hewlett & Packard† had a long translation of â€Å" - † for a long period. Now, the six-character version, long and meaningless, has been replaced by the two-character version â€Å" †. Balancing these two versions, we can see the latter is easier to pronounce and memorize. Moreover, â€Å" † contains more meanings and can stimulate more favorable e favorable association of the the productassociation of consumers. Similarly, â€Å"Head &Shoulder†(shampoo) was transliterated into â€Å" † before and now a more compact and meaningful version â€Å" † is popular. â€Å"Stafanel†, the brand name for apparel from US, is translated into â€Å" † now. However, what about a two-character version â€Å" †? Also in China, â€Å"Mercedes-Benz†, the brand name for a quality car from Germany, was transliterated into â€Å"  · † before and yet is put into â€Å" † at present. A car from Great Britain â€Å"Rolls Royce† is translated into â€Å" † now instead of the former transliteration â€Å"  · †. The Chinese version for â€Å"Fair Child†, a semi-conductor from the US, was â€Å" † before and now is â€Å"  Ã¢â‚¬  instead. â€Å" † is easier to be pronounced and memorized than â€Å" † for â€Å"Nescafe† from Swiss. The upper new versions have replaced the old renderings because they are simple and easy to be accepted by consumers, in pronunciation, form and meaning. Easy acceptance by consumers finally promotes the sales of the products. On the contrary, some translations sound profane or may lead to negative associations in the Chinese language. Thus such translations would not be recognized and accepted by consumers. For examples, â€Å"Psorales†, a drug, was put into â€Å" † when just coming into China. No one knew what â€Å" † was and assumed it to be something discarded. It is not hard to imagine nobody would buy things that sound worn and useless. Later, it is replaced by â€Å" †,a more vivid and meaningful version, and its sales was improved afterwards. 2. 3 Analyze the Aesthetics Features Trademark translation should comply with the characteristics of morphology of trademark in the TL. â€Å"Getting the best out of the combination of beauty in meaning, sound and form is the internal requirement if we want to realize the associated function and the advertising function of a brand name†. (Tang Zhongshun, 2002:75-77) The translated trademark accordingly must be normative, elegant, vivid and visual. Firstly, â€Å"beauty of meaning† means the translated terms should produce an artistic conception through a favorable association of words or component words so that people will have rich and nice association and arouse the expectation and pursuit of wonderful things. We have the typical examples of â€Å"Sprite† (beverage) and â€Å"Tide† (washing power). Since â€Å"Sprite† was translated into â€Å" † in Chinese, this product has prevailed in China due to the brilliant color and abundant connotation. The translated term â€Å" † in sound is not only quite close to the pronunciation of the original brand name, but also makes people have a favorable association of lustration, neatness and tidiness, showing the sort and feature of the product. Secondly, â€Å"beauty of sound† means a brand name of the original and its translated version should basically share the same or similar pronunciation with the quality of sonority, rhythmization and musicality so that an aesthetically pleasing enjoyment is gained in hearing that brand name (Zhang Quan, 2004:77-79). There are many successfully translated versions fully reflect the beauty of sounds. Take â€Å"OMO† (washing power) and â€Å"Clean&Clear† (facial cleanser) for example. As â€Å"OMO† is translated into â€Å" †,it sounds like a compliment â€Å"great† in English. The translated term of â€Å"Clean&Clear†, â€Å" † makes good use of alliterative rhythmic reduplication in order to achieve a combination of phonetic rhythm and verve. Lastly, â€Å"beauty of form† means the translated trademarks should make the best of conciseness and simpleness in structure, namely using few syllables, readability and understandability of the words and avoiding difficult and seldom-using words. People prefer two or three words of translated versions because this structure better accords with the referential custom and aesthetic psychology. There are many famous translated brand names with the above feature, such as â€Å"Head&Shoulders† (shampoo), â€Å"Avon† (cosmetic), â€Å"Johnsons† (cream) and so on. Especially the translated version â€Å" † is full of the characteristics of concision, elegance and vividness representing the feature and function of the product. 2. 4 Pay Attention to Cultural Differences Edward Taylor defined culture as â€Å"a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by individuals as members of a society. † (Taylor Edward B, 1871:36) Namely, the major factors contributing to the making of culture are the religions, habits, customs and history, which vary considerable from countries to countries. As a carrier of culture, language is an important part of culture which reflects the characteristics of a nation, which not only includes the nation’s historical and cultural background, but also contains the national outlook on life, lifestyles and ways of thinking. From the relationship between language and culture, it is obvious that translation is not only a process of transferring the source language into the target language, but also a process of a mutual communication and exchange between different cultures. Therefore, during the process of trademark translation, as language and culture are inseparable from each other, it is essential to pay more attention to cultural differences. 2. 4. 1. Differences in Religions Religions, myths, legends, and images from literary works are an in-separable part of culture. They are deeply rooted in culture and at the same time contribute a great deal to the formation of people’s concepts about certain objects. These elements, when involved in brand name translation, call for the translator’s sensitivity as well as flexibility in cultural adaptation in order that functional equivalence could be attained between the source brand name and the target brand name. For example, Goldlion was not well-liked when it first appeared in the Chinese market with the nameâ€Å" †. It is said that many people would not buy that product just because the name sounds very close toâ€Å" †in some Chinese dialects. Other people believe that the name was not well accepted because it resembles the sound ofâ€Å" †,which is also a taboo idea in China, especially in Hong Kong, where people display a particular liking for things with luck-bearing names. Anyway, the product did not sell well until the new nameâ€Å" †was adopted by Zeng Xianzi, a famous Chinese entrepreneur. He skillfully took apart the source brand name intoâ€Å"gold†andâ€Å"lion†. The first part was literally put intoâ€Å"? †to be faithful to the original, while the latter adopted the method of semantic transliteration and was put intoâ€Å" †,meaningâ€Å"bringing profit†. Such an auspicious name has helped a lot in building up the good fame of the product. 2. 4. 2 Differences in History. Every country has its own history. In the history, many historical incidents happened. These incidents have carved into the culture and have become a part of it. Being unaware of the history when translating a trademark will lead to failure. â€Å"Opium† is a brand of perfume. Actually in the western cul ention to hich reflects nd nice associationame, but also makes ation. things. he producr. ture, such kind of trademark name is popular, such as Poison, another perfume brand. However in China, â€Å" † has a negative meaning. The Chinese people experienced the shameful history related to opium since 1840, when the notorious Opium War broke out. Without the consideration of history, this brand encountered the resistance from the Chinese consumers. Finally, the trademark name â€Å" † was banned in China. 2. 4. 3 Differences in Customs and Habits Custom is one of the branches of culture reflecting the specific characteristics of a nation or parts of the nation. It is the sediment of long history and closely linked with the surroundings and the way of life. So some customs and habits exist in one culture but may be absent in another, which brings about an obstacle to Chinese-English brand name translation. Many Chinese brand names come from Chinese custom. One of the most famous rice wines named â€Å" † (Daughter Wine) is produced in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province of China. To Chinese customers, the brand name represents the happy events in one’s life, while they cannot arouse the same feeling in westerners if translated literally and that will absolutely cause cultural loss, because the western consumers do not know about the custom of the ancient Shaoxing. It is said that in ancient Shaoxing a jar of this wine was buried under the ground when a daughter was brought into the world. When the girl grew up and became a bride, the jar was dug out and presented to the guests attending the wedding. As the wine was uncapped, the smell of the wine spread far, and all guests became excited and congratulated the parents, so it was named â€Å" †. When a translator translate the trade mark, it is very necessary to reveal the cultural information of the brand names. It is not only easy for customers to know about the origin of the wine but accept it quickly, because any one from any country would like to equally appreciate the beautiful things, enjoy the happy feeling and desire success. Thus, in order to reveal the cultural information of this brand name, perhaps the translation â€Å"Daughter’s Wedding Wine† is more suitable. 2. 4. 4 Differences in the Attitudes towards Animals and Numbers People living in different cultures hold different attitudes and beliefs towards animals and numbers. What is considered a good omen in one culture may not symbolize the same in another. Therefore, it is generally advisable that people should not use this type of words to name the relative products, and when one translates existing brand names of this type, cultural adaptation may help him find a more proper target brand name. The difficulties caused by such words in brand name translation may be illustrated with the following example. As we know, the Chinese people often associate bats with good luck because the Chinese character â€Å"? †sounds the same asâ€Å"? †(meaningâ€Å"good fortune†). Some Chinese legends even say that when a bat lives 100 years, it turns white in color and hangs upside down from a tree, and eating that bat could bring a person longevity. A red bat foretells even better luck forâ€Å" †sounds exactly the same withâ€Å" †(being supremely fortunate). Some Chinese stick to the belief so much that they name their productsâ€Å" †. But if the translator adapts his linguistic choices to the different attitude towards the animal in European cultures, he would not considerâ€Å" Bat† a good name, for bat is regarded as an extremely evil omen in many European folklores. Perhaps translations like â€Å"Fortunes† would be better. Besides, numbers bring about different associations. Generally speaking, each culture has certain numbers believed to be either â€Å"lucky† or â€Å"ominous†, but this may often differ from individual to individual. Let’s take the translation of â€Å"7-up†, a brand of soft drink, as an example. The number â€Å"7† is thought to be a lucky number to many English speakers, but it does not have the same meaning in Chinese. Considering the cultural difference, the translator, in order to create a similar effect among the Chinese consumers, worked out the nameâ€Å" †. The name is quite satisfactory because its first partâ€Å"? †remains faithful to the source brand name without conveying any unfavorable meaning, and its second partâ€Å"? †conveys the meaning ofâ€Å"happiness and good luck†,and hence makes up for the loss of connotation in the numberâ€Å"7†. Chapter 3 General Methods in Trademark Translation Peter Newmark once said that different translation strategies should be adopted according to the different functions of different works (Mou Yan, 2008). It is well-known that trademark translation is not only to convey the cultural information of the source culture, but also to set up a good image in the target culture, and finally to attract the people in the target market to the product. In order to achieve these purposes, translators should adopt the following methods in the process of trademark translation. 3. 1 Literal Translation Literal translation, referred to as semantic translation by Peter Newmark, is a way of translation which aims at preserving the most possible cultural messages (including the communicative aspect of culture, such as, the formal elements of the SL) of the source text at the sacrifice of the formal elements of the target language and sometimes even the intelligibility of the target text (Zheng Shengtao, 1994). Since the formation of words in the Chinese language is different from that in the Western languages, it is actually impossible to achieve trademark translation by word-for-word translation in most cases. Peter Newmark favors â€Å"literal translation† too. He says, â€Å"I am somewhat of a ‘literalist’ because I am for truth and accuracy†. (Newmark Peter, 2001:62) Although sometimes literal translation may create something exotic or even eccentric for the target language readers, it will gradually be accepted by the target language and its culture. As long as the translated brand names from foreign language can be understood and accepted by the target consumers, literal translation is the best way for promoting cultural exchange through the brand name translation in China. As the brand name translation is to transfer between cultures, translators should make the target consumers understand the source culture. Some people say there is a better way for translators to approach the original. That is literal translation, which can keep the national feature. For example, some traditional brand names, which are very familiar to the Westerners even to the world like â€Å" † (The Yangtze River), â€Å" † (the Yellow River), and â€Å" † (the Great Wall) are chosen by the producers, as they are the symbols of Chinese wonderful natural history. When translators translate them, they have no need to do any translation. As these brand names are well-known to the world, and these Chinese characteristics of brand names are fresh and mysterious to the Westerners, it is easy to evoke the target consumers’ purchasing desire. Translators can adopt literal translation. The brand names â€Å" †, â€Å" †, â€Å" † carry our ancient cultural information. When translators translate them into the Western languages, they should keep literal translation and add some notes, in order to let the target consumers know the source culture. Literal translation also keeps the general form and keeps the structure of the source language. Today, Chinese culture are getting more and more popular in the world, and more and more Westerners are eager to study our language in order to learn our long history. Therefore, the kind of translation is a necessary way to let more people learn our traditional culture. On the other hand, in the English-speaking countries, there are some brand names which can be literally translated. For example, the very famous brand name â€Å"White cat† is translated into â€Å" †. And the brand name â€Å"Camel† is translated into â€Å" †. All these translated brand names are very suitable for the products, and the products will very probably be loved by the consumers in the target market. Here literal translation is not the same as word-for-word translation. Word-for-word translation is to rigidly reproduce every word in the process of translation. Strictly speaking, it is not a translation method. But, literal translation is a skill of translation, even if there do exist some additions or deletions while the essence of the original is not destroyed. Literal translation makes the target language more smooth and acceptable. Although literal translation can most possibly maintain the cultural messages of the source language, it sometimes will cause misunderstanding of the cultural messages or create unintelligible meanings. Let’s take Sprite as an example. If the word â€Å"Sprite† is translated literally or directly, it might be â€Å" †. The version would put Chinese consumers into great confusion because â€Å" † is a human-like monster in Chinese culture. Thus translators should consider other methods. Literal translation is adopted as the most ideal translation technique in reproducing images because it can preserve the original images as much as possible. Some English expressions wearing word-for-word similarity to some Chinese expressions may mean something quite different. In this case, translators should go deeper to find out what these English expressions really mean; otherwise mistakes will be made in literal translation. 3. 2 Transliteration Transliteration in a narrow sense is a mapping from one system of writing into another and it is mostly based on the pronunciation. Transliteration attempts to be lossless, so that an informed reader should be able to reconstruct the original spelling of unknown transliterated words. To achieve this objective, transliteration may define complex conventions to deal with letters in a source script that do not correspond with letters in a goal script. Transliteration means that trademarks are translated into similar names in pronunciation according to the original ones (Li Yi, 2009:232-234) It is generally believed that the adoption of this method can help to achieve various purposes. Some trademarks obtained in this way can effectively remind the customers of their classic status. Such trademarks are easier for target consumers to pronounce and memorize. Still, some trademarks are deliberately transliterated in order to cater to the foreign consumers’ general preference for foreign goods because some thus-translated trademarks sound more foreign-like. The world famous trademark â€Å"Intel† means: the ability to learn and reason and the capacity for knowledge and comprehension. Now you see why it is translated into â€Å" † which sounds foreign-like and is easy to memorize and read. Meanwhile, it indicates the characteristic of the product. Another example is the translation of â€Å"Ya Ya†. â€Å" † (down wear) is transliterated into â€Å"Ya Ya† instead of â€Å"Duck†. The translated trademark â€Å"Ya Ya† is a catchy name that can fulfill the simulating function of trademark effectively. These two examples show the characteristics of being simple and easy to pronounce and memorize and as well obey the principle of aesthetics. Though transliteration embodies the sound beauty of the original one, the translated trademark dictions should be chosen carefully. During transliteration, it is important to obey the characteristics of arousing desirable association. â€Å"Philip† was once translated into â€Å" † which sounds more similar to the original one than â€Å" †. But the three characters â€Å" † will arouse unfavorable association. People prefer good and appropriate words, and hence, when using transliteration method, translators should do their best to choose beautiful words. For example, â€Å"Lancome† (cosmetics) is put into â€Å" †. The two Chinese  characters are beautiful and can be associated with an elegant woman with certain spiritual qualities. These two words â€Å" † are always connected with beautiful things, such as â€Å" , †. That’s why Chinese females have a partiality for â€Å"Lancome†. In translation practice, we find that English trademarks are highly coherent in letters or words and can be pronounced easily in one breath, while the transliteration of Chinese trademarks are broken into independent words in accordance with the specific Chinese characters. So the English version often lacks coherence. To avoid the disadvantage of transliteration in strict accordance with the standard Chinese pronunciation, we can use transliteration method flexibly. To some extent, we can translate a trademark according to the local pronunciation. The following examples successfully avoid the above problem. â€Å" † (refrigerator) is translated into â€Å"Frestech† instead of â€Å"Xin Fei†. â€Å"Frestech† is composed of â€Å"fresh† and â€Å"technology†, which is coherent in structure and pronunciation. What’s more, it also implies that the product is produced with advanced technology. â€Å"† (tonic food) means that happiness is coming, suggesting the product will bring happiness and health to consumers. The English version â€Å"Life† caters to westerners’ psychology and is easier for them to pronounce and spell. 3. 3 Free Translation â€Å"Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase longer than the original. † In order to take advantage of the target language and make translated brand name more idiomatic and acceptable, some imaginary brand names are freely translated. Free translation can communicate the information of products clearly and vividly. It will make a strong impression on the target language consumers and arouse their response. There are many successful examples to show this method. For example, â€Å"Ariel† (washing powder) is rendered as â€Å" †. The word â€Å"? † means â€Å"clean† and â€Å"clear†. So â€Å" † indicates the super cleaning capability of the washing powder. Similarity, â€Å"Safeguard† (soap) is not literally translated into â€Å" †, but â€Å" †. The translation describes the product’s function and attributes. â€Å"Rejoice† (shampoo) is not translated into â€Å"†, but â€Å" †, meaning softness and glossiness. â€Å"Slek†(shampoo) is also rendered as â€Å" † through free translation. â€Å" † in Chinese can be a noun as well as a verb phrase. If â€Å" † is interpreted as a noun, it means beautiful buds, implying ladies will be like an elegant bud after using the shampoo; if â€Å" † is interpreted as a verb, it means nourishing a bud to make it come out. This implies the shampoo can make hair glossier. â€Å"Zest†(soap) is paraphrased as â€Å" † through free translation. â€Å"? † is a very popular word in China, which brings the soap a fashionable element. This translation is improved from the original one â€Å" † in literal method. â€Å" † is more proper and suitable to meet the needs of the youth who are the target customers. 3. 4 Liberal Translation plus Transliteration In order to reach the criteria of trademark translation—beauty in meaning and sound, and to make the translated versions possess the general features of good brand names, we can use the combination of liberal translation and transliteration to translate brand names, since in many cases liberal or transliteration cannot do the job along. A good translation of a brand name should not only be similar to the original sound but also reflect the connotation of the original. The combination of liberal translation and transliteration may achieve double purposes, as the message of the brand name will be more vividly reflected so that it will be more impressive to guide consumption. Here we take some examples to appreciate the merits of this kind of method. For example, â€Å"Pampers†Ã¢â‚¬â€diapers from P&G, is rich in meaning and clear in pronunciation. The translated brand name â€Å" † has got a balance between the meaning and the pronunciation. The brand name of a medicine â€Å"Bufferin† is translated into â€Å" †. The translated brand name does not tell us what the medicine is, but it forms a sound which is very close to that of the source brand name. A drink named â€Å"Milo† is translated into â€Å" †, which not only makes us know that the pronunciation of the translated word is close to that of the original, but tells us what the product is made from and the property of the product.